دو تن در باره من تباه گردیدند ، دوستى که ازحد بگذراند و دروغ بافنده‏اى که از آنچه در من نیست سخن راند ] و این مانند فرموده اوست : که [ دو تن در باره من هلاک شدند دوستى که از حد گذراند و دشمنى که بیهوده سخن راند . ] [نهج البلاغه]


موتورولا(دوشنبه 87 مهر 1 ساعت 4:48 عصر )
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موتورولا(دوشنبه 87 مهر 1 ساعت 4:47 عصر )

51.52 KB 03/04/07
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MicroMachines.jad 392 B 03/04/07
MicroMachines.jar 104.58 KB 03/04/07
MicroMachines1.jar 104.58 KB 03/04/07

200بازی جاوا برای همه گوشی های موتورولا(دوشنبه 87 مهر 1 ساعت 4:45 عصر )

  دانلود رایگان بیشتر از ??? بازی جاوا برای موتورولا:

004_GemJam.zip 48.43 KB 03/04/07
004_GemJam1.zip 48.43 KB 03/04/07
021_Hugo_-_Follow_The_Monkey-1.2.0.zip 80.64 KB 03/04/07
1.jar 196.96 KB 03/04/07
1.zip 148.62 KB 03/04/07
1111_007_HoverChase.zip 87.19 KB 03/04/07
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1231FutbolCallejero.zip 83.95 KB 03/04/07
1942.jar 41.29 KB 03/04/07
1_2_CourierBob.mpn 30 KB 03/04/07
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292.jad 348 B 03/04/07
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3dpool.v550.zip 95.23 KB 03/04/07
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3dpool3.jar 95.23 KB 03/04/07
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5GravityDefied-TrialRacing_100.jar 62.13 KB 03/04/07
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74_Top_games_v550.zip 68.96 MB 03/04/07
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AllstarBasket.jar 129.52 KB 03/04/07
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AlphaWing1.jar 79.48 KB 03/04/07
Anakonda.jar 86.2 KB 03/04/07
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Anno1503ADvXXX1.jar 141.83 KB 03/04/07
AquaLifeX_Moto_MIDP2_176X204.jar 66.88 KB 03/04/07
AquilesVersusTroya.jar 112.64 KB 03/04/07

بازی های رایگان جاوا برای سامسونگ d500(دوشنبه 87 مهر 1 ساعت 4:43 عصر )

دنلود رایگان بازی های جاوا برای سامسونگ:

316 B 03/04/07
2Fast2Furious.jar 73.33 KB 03/04/07
2Fast2Furious.zip 65.97 KB 03/04/07
3DPool.jad 388 B 03/04/07
3DPool.zip 90.56 KB 03/04/07
3DPool1.zip 90.56 KB 03/04/07
3DPool2.zip 90.56 KB 03/04/07
AAFlak1.jad 380 B 03/04/07
AAFlak88.jad 380 B 03/04/07
AgassiTennis.jad 433 B 03/04/07
AliensAttack.jad 367 B 03/04/07
AliensAttack.zip 28.18 KB 03/04/07
Alike0.1.1.jar 34.38 KB 03/04/07
Arkanoid.jar 35.49 KB 03/04/07
BeachBabesVolleyball.jad 294 B 03/04/07
D500Games.zip 971.34 KB 03/04/07
D500Games1.zip 971.34 KB 03/04/07
D500Games2.zip 971.34 KB 03/04/07
D500Games3.zip 971.34 KB 03/04/07
DS_BlackJack.jar 11.87 KB 03/04/07
Girls_Undressed-1.0.jad 331 B 03/04/07
Girls_Undressed-1.0.jar 60.09 KB 03/04/07
Mafia_Wars_by_BFLM.jad 345 B 03/04/07
Mafia_Wars_by_BFLM1.jad 345 B 03/04/07
Pub_Pinball.jar 101.06 KB 03/04/07
Pub_Pool.jad 374 B 03/04/07
Shrekn2.jad 322 B 03/04/07
Spiderman_From_Indiagames_v1_1_n1n.zip 135.46 KB 03/04/07
UltraMP3.SIS 404.5 KB 03/04/07
aco_monsterland.zip 44.54 KB 03/04/07
agassiatennis.jad 433 B 03/04/07
casino.jar 64.23 KB 03/04/07
index.php 13.94 KB 03/09/07
mquran_en.jad 291 B 03/04/07


بازی های سری 60و40(دوشنبه 87 مهر 1 ساعت 4:40 عصر )
     بازی جاوا برای نوکیا سری ??:

These games are compatible with Nokia 3230, 3250, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5500, 6110, 6260, 6290, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, 7650, E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N70, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95 Panasonic X700 Sendo X2 Sendo X, Siemens SX1 etc..

Asteroids-- Download The Java File

your spaceship has ventured into a particularly unfriendly area of space where it must strive for survival by blasting asteroids which threaten to squash it. The ship has a powerful gun, a propulsion system (be careful with inertia!), and can teleport.

Atomic-- Download The Java File

Atomic is board (but not boring) game where the idea is to take over the game board. You can do this by placing atoms into empty squares or onto square that you already control. If a square reaches its atomic capacity then it will explode causing the atoms to fly into the neighbouring squares. If any of your opponents atoms are in the neighbouring then they will become your atoms. Any time a square reaches its atomic capacity it will explode. This can cause long chain reactions that can have a dramatic effect on the state of play.

Doom-- Download The SIS File

Doom for Nokia 7650! Play the classic first-person shooter now on your Nokia 7650! Take control of a lone marine in 9 levels of intense arcade action.

GoBoy-- Download The Java File

GoBoy is a Gameboy Emulator for the Nokia 7650! Play hundreds of public domain games on your phone! GoBoy is based on Gnuboy, available from http://gnuboy.unix-fu.org/.


Video Poker-- Download The Java File

Addictive one-player poker. Place your bet using the joystick up/down (maximum bet is $50) and press DEAL to begin. When the cards are dealt, choose the cards you wish to hold by moving joystick left/right and pressing it. Press DEAL again to draw, and pray for a killer hand!

Mini Golf-- Download The SIS File


Bounce-- Download The SIS File



                بازی برای گوشی های سری ?? نوکیا


These games are compatible with Nokia 2355, 2600, 2610, 2626, 2650, 2651, 2855, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3110, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3300, 3510i, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3585i, 3586, 3586i, 3587, 3587i, 3595, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5300, 6010, 6012, 6015, 6015i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6103, 6108, 6111, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6131nfc, 6133, 6136, 6151, 6152, 6155, 6155i, 6165, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6265, 6265i, 6270, 6275, 6275i, 6280, 6282, 6288, 6300, 6560, 6585, 6610, 6610i, 6650, 6651, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6820i, 6822, 6830, 7200, 7210, 7250,

7250i, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7600, 8800, 8801, 8910i


Download The File

Battleships -- Download The File

Blackjack -- Download The File

Brix Mix-- Download The File

Bubbles -- Download The File

Football -- Download The File


Fun Tetris -- Download The File

Gem Jam -- Download The File

Ghost Blade -- Download The File

Jumping Jack -- Download The File


Katoo -- Download The File

Mars Patrol -- Download The File

Mine Sweeper -- Download The File

Mobile Blocks -- Download The File

Pick n Shoot-- Download The File


P Man -- Download The File

Road Pizza -- Download The File

Shooter -- Download The File

SK8 -- Download The File

Zolitaire -- Download The File

Zombie Mansion -- Download The File

Zoy -- Download The File


                   بازی جاوا برای گوشی های سری ?? نوکیا:

These games are compatible with Nokia 2300, 3310, 3410, 3510, 5210, 6310, 6310i, 8310 etc..

  1. Golf Manager
  2. Spruce GO
  3. Nokia Tester
  4. Spruce 8 Ball
  5. SpruceMan
  6. Calculator U.P. (Unlimited Precision)
  7. Spruce Bowling
  8. Spruce Chess
  9. Spruce Chess for small screens
  10. Spruce Checkers
  11. Spruce Driver

   1   2   3      >

بازدیدهای امروز: 0  بازدید

بازدیدهای دیروز:0  بازدید

مجموع بازدیدها: 7303  بازدید

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